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drey's library

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In the Courts of the Sun
Brian D'Amato
Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl
David Barnett
The Bone Palace
Ink Exchange (Wicked Lovely, #2) - Melissa Marr Ink Exchange continues Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series, focusing on one of Aislinn's best friends, Leslie.Leslie has been through quite a lot, since her mother died. Her father's absent or drunk, her brother's a drug dealer who forgets that big brothers are supposed to protect their little sisters. Not being able to do anything about either of them, Leslie plans. And waits for the day she can leave them both behind, for good.In between the planning and the waiting and the finishing-up-school, Leslie gets a tattoo, as a symbol of the changes she wants--and needs--to make in her life. Unbeknownst to her, however, the pattern she picks out will tie her to the Dark Fae. More specifically, to Irial, their King. Oh, the tangled webs we weave when we're trying our utmost to protect those we love. If only Aislinn trusted Leslie, like she trusted Seth, with the existence of faerie all around them. Then maybe Leslie wouldn't have gotten entangled with the fae at all. But she does. And in doing so, irrevocably changes her own life, as well as Irial's.I'm really liking this series. Ink Exchange is darker than Wicked Lovely, but while there's angst, there's also a lot of strength in how the characters react to their situations.The next two books are now on my library hold list.