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drey's library

reviews, interviews, and giveaways from an eclectic reader...

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In the Courts of the Sun
Brian D'Amato
Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl
David Barnett
The Bone Palace
Lightborn - Alison Sinclair Well. If Lady Telmaine Hearne thought that her adventures in Darkborn are over, and she can go back to being a respectable member of Darkborn society, she has another think coming. Because now she has Lord Vladimer's attention, all due to her ability in sensing the Shadowborn. Doesn't help that there were two Shadowborn assassins after her and Vladimer within the first ten pages of the book. Telmaine's story notwithstanding, Lightborn also introduces characters from the other side of the magical divide. And drama. Let's not forget the drama.Specifically, the assassination of the Lightborn Prince, which puts an untried youth into a leadership position before he's ready, and thrusts Floria White Hand into the role of accused murderer. And so begins this dance, where some light and dark arm themselves against threats--real or perceived--from the other, whilst others either race to diffuse the tensions, or rush to pour oil into the fire. And all the while, a very select few are realizing with growing horror that the Shadowborn are real, and deadly.I like this series from Alison Sinclair. I wonder where the story will go next, now that the Shadowborn have been introduced. There are hints here and there of their origin, but nothing very specific yet. Just enough to make you go "hmmm..." and whet your appetite for the next installment of this series full of political wrangling, opposite races, magic, and (of course) mayhem. Want to know more? Start with Darkborn. And join me as I travel along Lady Telmaine's road...