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drey's library

reviews, interviews, and giveaways from an eclectic reader...

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In the Courts of the Sun
Brian D'Amato
Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl
David Barnett
The Bone Palace

For the King's Favor

For the King's Favor  - Elizabeth Chadwick Let me start by saying that if you're a fan of medieval historical fiction, and have never read Elizabeth Chadwick, well... Why not?For the King's Favor is the story of Roger Bigod and Ida de Tosney. They first meet at King Henry's court, where Roger is trying to get the King to settle his inheritance dispute, and Ida is the King's newest mistress. Known for his possessiveness, neither can act on their mutual attraction for fear of incurring the King's wrath. But when Ida bears the King a son and his affections transfer elsewhere, her marriage to Roger is arranged.Elizabeth Chadwick does a fabulous job in her depiction of the King's court, the people whose lives are impacted by the rotation of the King's attention, and of the political intrigues and favor-currying that takes place. I would have hated to live in that world, where everything that you are is based on your bloodline and your purse, and everything you own can be taken away when a monarch is replaced. Never sure if your father, brother, husband or child will survive the latest political machinations, it must have worn down even the most strong-willed and stout-hearted.Ida's path from wide-eyed teenager to mistress to wife to Countess was not an easy one, filled with heartbreak and uncertainty, but it was definitely worth reading about in this engrossing offering from Elizabeth Chadwick. Add it to your list to read this fall.