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drey's library

reviews, interviews, and giveaways from an eclectic reader...

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In the Courts of the Sun
Brian D'Amato
Gideon Smith and the Mechanical Girl
David Barnett
The Bone Palace

Blue Bloods (Blue Bloods Series #1)

Blue Bloods (Blue Bloods Series #1) - My first impression upon reading Blue Bloods? Whoa. The pilgrims were vampires?? And not only vamps, they're fallen angels? Re-living their lives through time in a cycle of reincarnation? Like I said, whoa.Melissa de la Cruz has written a YA vamp series (this is the first book) densely packed with action, mystery, and revelations--all while including relatively real characters, even if they are a little stereotypical. There's the bossy girl-in-front-of-the-pack (& yes, she's beautiful--and so is her twin brother). There's the requisite posse, of course. The misfit. The new girl. The geeky best friend. All of them rounding out the high-school cast.Interspersed with the storyline are diary entries... penned by Catherine Carver, of Plymouth, Massachusetts. Catherine Carver, who is now reincarnated as Schuyler's grandmother Cordelia. Who has been trying to warn The Committee about a danger to them, a danger that has existed for as long as they have. All for naught. When Schuyler's friend Dylan disappears, it is up to her and her best friend Oliver to find out what happened. With the help of the new girl, Bliss, they look for clues to the identity of those who've been taking their friends and classmates.I've read all three available Blue Bloods novels, and I'm hooked. You will be too, if you aren't already. I so really really need to find out what happens!!!!