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drey's library

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In the Courts of the Sun
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Case Histories (Jackson Brodie Series #1)

Case Histories (Jackson Brodie Series #1) - I have had Case Histories sitting on my shelves since late 2009, and kept meaning to pick it up. I finally did, and well, what was I waiting for?drey’s thoughts:Case Histories is a collection of stories that meet up along the way to solving the mysterious disappearance of three-year-old Olivia Land – thirty-four years later. Talk about a cold case!We meet the Lands first, and learn all about their dysfunctional family. Then we meet Theo, and watch as his daughter Laura is murdered. Next is Michelle, her infant daughter Tanya, and her soon-to-be-deceased husband Keith. How do all these disparate stories tie together?Well, say “hi” to Jackson Brodie – formerly married, father to Marlee, nice to old ladies, now a private investigator with a cranky secretary. He’s doing the suspected-cheating-spouse watch when he’s hired to find out what happened to Olivia, who killed Laura, and where Tanya went. On different days, by different clients.Case Histories is engrossing, in spite of so many characters and stories to keep track of. Atkinson never loses your focus, and she never loses your interest. I’m picking up One Good Turn so I can get to When Will There Be Good News? and Started Early, Took My Dog. Looks like my TBR pile is growing instead of shrinking!drey’s rating: Excellent!